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What happens when you get a bunch of talented creatives in a room sharing and critiquing ideas? Hopefully content worth millions, lol. This was the case last night (this week) as a few of our creatives went to Meet The Commissioners at the offices of M&C Saatchi in Golden Square, London.

The event was hosted by Shiny Awards and Directors Notes and it had a few of the creative industry’s hottest emerging talents in attendance. The panel from a diverse background gave out valuable expertise to some of the creators of submitted entries of work, whilst those in attendance listened in whilst sipping on their beer and eating pizza and chicken bites laid out.

On the panel there was Estella Alvares and Gareth Williams, who are the Senior Film Producer and Producer/Director respectively at M&C Saatchi; Leah Joyce, Head of Music at Academy Films; MarBelle, founder of Directors Notes and Sarah Bolshi, Co-Director and video commissioner of iconic indie record label, Sunday Best. Each one critiqued three up-and-coming directors that showcased their work in front of the audience, as well as giving sound advice on what a lot of the big wigs at brands are looking for from creatives.

In all it was a fantastic evening of networking and sharing creative ideas, we certainly look forward to working with some of the up-and-coming creatives that approached us, as well as collaborating with other agencies on projects.

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