We were very happy to take on another challenge for Spell Beauty to creatively bring their ideas to life. 

This time we were tasked with creating three upbeat, engaging videos for their social campaign to showcase the Wow Oils as part of a hot oil treatment as well as them being applied to two hairstyles in a fun and engaging way.

Who’s EggcIted?

Easter is upon us and George at Asda has everything you need to make the festivities all it can be for you and your family. Our fun creative shows the Pelo family using them for an Easter Egg Hunt in their back garden. What a fun day this was.


Whether it’s managing your streaming services, ordering food, or just out on a date night, you can do it ‘All In One Place’ with PayPal. The creative was to showcase how easy it is to juggle your lifestyle seamlessly using PayPal.

To mark the launch of the new pay-in-3 feature by PayPal, we opted for a creative that could both demonstrate the feature and keep social audiences entertained. Cue Ovie Soko, ‘The Gift Guy’.


As the weeks morph in to each other, we have increasingly seen the same creative used by brands and companies. It is either a Zoom/Microsoft Teams conversation or the everyday person talking in to their camera, showing the world what they’ve been doing during the lockdown in their house.

With that said, it is refreshing to see the classic Budweiser advert remixed for this pandemic period to break the norm. It seems like it’s not only music that can remix a classic from back in the day to fit a current zeitgeist, ads can too. 

So what classic ad would you like to see reworked? For me, they have to remix the Milk Tray ads. Classic.