Audience engagement by way of answering a users comment on social media is always a good way to increase visibility in your OOH and print media ads. It makes the brand seem really on the pulse and aware of consumers opinion of them.

After their recent saga of no chicken in restaurants earlier this year, KFC have very much responded in a variety of OOH campaigns addressing customers directly with issues they have with their brand. Would this work for every brand though? Could your brand benefit with this reactive content? Knowing your target audience is the first thing to consider when pulling this off. Is your target audience the type to react well to this?

At soho Pixels we know just how to decide the best engagement for your target audience and come up with tailor made campaigns that engage visually and mentally…and occasionally in real time too.


The eerie silence of commuters on the train this morning after England exited the World Cup was strange. Usually it’s filled with tired souls dragging themselves into Central London unhappy about another day in their 9 to 5, but today it was a different type of silence. Today the silence was infused with a sense of, “we were almost there,” sadness.

Since 1966 England have been hoping to lift the famous Gold World Cup trophy aloft, and the closest we’ve come to that was on penalties in 1990 as I’m sure you’re now tired of hearing. Many years of disappointedly underachieving performances was shattered over the last 28 days, as Gareth Southgate’s young lions performed out of their socks to narrowly be beaten by a Croatian side that has never reached the finals. In the end, it didn’t come home for England…or did it?

Outside of football and back to adland, it truly did come home for the brands who heavily invested in the World Cup with a stream of content being shown across all mediums. You seriously couldn’t look left, right, on your TV or mobile device without seeing some sort of branded content dedicated to the World Cup. The success of England reaching the semi-finals engaged the British public like never before, and strategically placed ads definitely bolstered the economy during the 28 days. I know, I know, the weather certainly helped too with prolonged sunshine which added to the feel good factor, but the consumption of social media and the delivery of branded content hit record heights as fans and the average consumer shared, then shared some more with their online communities. This World Cup even introduced the public to branded memes for the first time.

It seems the appetite for big sporting events, branded content and the use of influencers will not be slowing down anytime soon, and a lot of this content created is not as expensive as you may think. In two years time when England play at Euro 2020, it may be worth it to your brand to think about getting some strategic content in place, it may well just increase your visibility 10-fold or help with sales to no end on your product or service. Don’t believe me? Neither did the whole nation that we could win a penalty shootout…but look what happened with that.  😉


Influencers are still a new concept for most traditional brands as part of a campaign. A big name movie star or sporting legend normally gets banded about in creative meetings, or indeed by the brand themselves. Trying to pitch reality TV stars is still not fully appreciated by some bigger brands, though becoming a little more popular as the influencing power they possess grows. 

So how easy do you think it is to convince a brand to use an influencer who’s made their name solely on one of the social media platforms? What if we said the influencer wasn’t even human, but an Artificial Intelligent, or AI, influencer? Would you be convinced?

Meet Miquela Sousa, aka Lil Miquela, a 19-year-old singer (yes she has songs on iTunes), ‘It girl’ and social media influencer from California, with 1.3 million followers on Instagram (@lilmiquela). Sporting a space bun hairstyle with a micro fringe and doused with pretty freckles, she wears clothes by the likes of big clothing brands like Supreme and Chanel. Even the likes of Prada invited her to take over its Instagram account during one of its Milan shows and she has appeared on the cover of magazines such as Wonderland and V Magazine. 

Miquela frequently posts across her Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr accounts, and Time magazine named her as one of 2018’s 25 most influential people on the internet and she doesn’t even exist. Miquela is a CGI creation who lives in a virtual universe, which resembles our own world. Miquela isn’t the only one though, she’s at the forefront of a new wave of AI influencers.

She was created by LA start-up, Brud, in 2016 with many followers not even reading that she wasn’t real, but her capacity to rake in the cash via endorsement deals and brand collaborations is vast, even better than some household Hollywood stars and musicians.

With this power pull continuing, coupled with the ability to fully control the influencer for brand alignment and suitability, just how far can this go? I guess the real question may be, how far is the consuming public willing to be dictated to by a CGI/AI creation?

Suddenly all the futuristic movies of old don’t seem so, well, futuristic. The future of influencing lives now, in our present. How soon will you be willing to include an AI influencer on a future campaign?


Teaching children to swim, like most things, is not always easy the older they get. Teaching them from just after they are able to walk comfortably though is the best time to get them in to this fun activity, and supply them with a practical skill for life.

Like most parents, time, patience, or indeed the aqua gene may not be present in teaching their little ones how to survive in the water; but on their final stop-off to discover Britain’s #familysuperpowers, Pete and Emily have discovered a class in Stratford-Upon-Avon and two instructors that have Npower’s #familysuperpower.

In small groups, Splash Paddle Swim teach toddlers the life saving art of how to swim and survive in water with the help of their parents by their side. 

The instructors welcomed Pete and Emily to take a dip with the class, and discover how their super power is being administered.

Take a look at the dip… erm, we mean clip, in our ‘WORK’ section. 


If you are a parent you’ll know just how difficult it is to get your baby to sleep. But imagine you had the Super Power to have your baby fall asleep, how handy would that be? 

Well, this is the #familysuperpower of a baby photographer that puts newborns into a deep sleep then takes their pictures in Yarhampton, Worcestershire.

On the third stop off to discover Britain’s #familysuperpowers for Npower, Pete and Emily were being taught the secrets of getting babies to fall asleep at will. As they discovered, this is a lot harder than they thought, and truly a super power.


The second stop on Npower’s campaign to discover Britain’s #familysuperpowers has brought Pete and Emily to Harrow, and a baby sling dance class. The class is designed to develop the babies movement by dancing in sync with their parents.

With the babies safely strapped to their mothers by way of a front facing sling, the class began and the mothers went in to high-octane dance mode, cutting some serious shapes. The babies were enjoying themselves too, getting in to the ‘sling’ of things just as much as the mothers.

Pete and Emily joined in to see just how difficult the class is with some nifty steps of their own, as well as a baby strapped to them. Our cameramen were spotted gyrating a few times too; do I sense competition at this years Soho Pixel rooftop summer party?


As part of the second phase of Npower’s ‘Super Powers’ campaign and following on from the advert we filmed for them last month, Pete and Emily Will travel the UK to discover what ‘Super Powers’ other individuals and families have.

The first stop on the #familysuperpowers campaign began in Meopham, Kent at a baby signing class with the classes teacher displaying her unique ‘Super Power,’ teaching babies how to communicate before they can speak by signing.

We captured the footage as a fly-on-the-wall style piece with Pete’s humour adding a fun feel to the short clip as himself and Emily got involved. 


Our creatives were called upon again as Soho Pixels completed filming on an advertorial for Danone and their Oykos Greek-style yoghurt.

 We were commissioned to produce a fun piece as part of their Oykos Escapes competition. The advertorial featured Peter Andre and the setting was designed to mimic a Greek Island.

We used a lovely contemporary designed property with an outdoor infinity pool and landscaped grounds to capture the belief of being in Greece. Fortunately the sun came out to play and really added to the colour temperature we were going for, in addition to the 4K HMI lights.

 The brief from Danone was a tongue-in-cheek, elegant, flirtatious and visually rich piece, all whilst showcasing their yoghurt, the real star of the advertorial. To make sure this was all captured we used a stunning female actress, three male hunks and a bit of CGI.

 The shoot was all day with some 20+ crew working tirelessly to pull off a beautiful visual piece we think. Check it out in our ‘WORK.’


Crowdsourcing has become very effective when looking for creative ideas. Brands have spent millions on advertising spots using this method, such as Doritos who have used crowd-generated ads. 

Many times than not, consumers who have a creative idea and a decent camera are able to beat many high-budget ads generated by big-name agencies. As a result, big brands such as Doritos moved to create a platform, ‘Legion of the Bold,’ to interact with the crowd on a more permanent basis.

When the purpose of a company is having an original and fresh perspective in its ad, crowdsourcing is perhaps the best way to go for it, and these are some of the reasons:

Firstly, crowdsourcing has a reach larger than the biggest global advertising agency and can bring in more people to focus on a certain ad brief. Marketers receive hundreds to thousands of videos to choose from. So if you receive more ads your chances will be increased in getting some exceptionally creative ones.

Secondly, the diversity of people involved in ad generation is far greater in a crowdsourcing campaign than any agency in the world. This allows marketers to get an outsiders observation on a brand and use their perspectives in generating an authentic ad that represents the consumer.

Lastly, crowds and creatives at agencies have different motivations. Crowds are often motivated by the creative process and their participation is entirely voluntary. Creatives at agencies on the other hand have different motivations that causes there creative process to evoke different ideas and work.

On the whole, crowdsourcing has a competitive edge over traditional agencies in terms of creativity thanks to its ability in activating a large, diversely motivated group of consumers.

Most agencies are understandably sceptical about crowdsourcing. After all, it has the potential to disrupt the entire ad industry. In fact, some of the concerns are quite valid. For example, there may not be any cost-advantages with crowd-generated ads as designing and coordinating a crowdsourcing campaign could be costly. However, creativity is not one of those valid concerns.

Most agencies will realise that the advertising world has changed and will look for ways to adapt to it. The potential of including crowdsourcing rather than fighting against it in campaigns may be the better option longterm. John Winsor, the chairman of Victors & Spoils coined a memorable phrase: “If you ignore the world when you create advertising, the world will ignore your advertising.”

The crowdsourcing revolution is more than likely here to stay. Brands and agencies should embrace it and look for ways on how to incorporate it in to their campaigns.


Having been commissioned on the Super Powers campaign last year for Npower, Soho Pixels began the second phase, #familysuperpowers, with another fun commercial, teaming up again with Peter Andre.

Npower were very clear on what they needed from the video: it needs to be fun, have a flowing narrative and continue the Super Power theme from the last commercial we filmed. Well, time to unleash the creatives; let’s get to work.

The shoot itself took a day, with post-production another four days of CGI, editing, music composition, sound design and colour grading added so that delivery to Npower was on time and within the week for their marketing team to begin distributing the asset as part of the #familysuperpowers campaign.