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Is A Monthly Challenge A Great Advertising Opportunity? IS A MONTHLY CHALLENGE

New month, new personal ‘challenge.’

After the splurge of food and alcohol over Christmas, but mainly alcohol, many partook in ‘Dry January,’ which was a complete month of abstinence from alcoholic drinks. This ties in neatly with everyone’s desire to get healthy and get in the gym. Its also a great 4-week campaign for health conscience brands and content makers, not so good for the beverage industry. So as today is the first day of Feb, the next challenge has been rolled out, ‘Fizz Free Feb,’ which is tailored at cutting out fizzy drinks. Now I have never heard of this one before but it seems to have some form of government backing and aimed at parents and in particular their kids.

So once this is over, where do we go for the remaining months of the year? Money Saving March?  Anti-Social Media May? Organic October?

What is obvious is that with the right marketing behind one of these monthly challenges, a brand  can really ignite something that can be spun annually to a mass market, raising the brands profile and generating some good income in the process. Tie it in with a long-term campaign or roll out of a new product over that particular month, whilst keeping it close to social media and the demographic of 16 to 40-year-olds, and you will definitely increase the chance of click and repeat on any visual assets as well as high engagement.

Is this the new cool advertising opportunity? It seems like it may well be.

So brands, pick a month, instruct your agency to come up with a challenge and watch your market share grow. All you creatives just remember to credit us as the source for sparking the idea to pursue your inspired challenge please, *cough cough* 🙂