Depending on your entertainment preference, age, tech device owned and other factors, that is most likely to be your statement. With the Corona pandemic shutting down the whole world near enough, once the wellbeing of your loved ones is sorted, the essentials for surviving this is food and toilet paper (see last post). Also high up on the survival list is going to be good entertainment for all the first world countries to see through any boredom. With that in mind, which streaming service is the best? May the battle for the remote commence.

There are too many providers to do a real deep-dive, choice is at a high with still more broadcasters and independent companies looking to launch a video-on-demand subscription service. With brands recognising that the advertising opportunities lay more here than in terrestrial TV, it makes too much sense and just as desirable for them also.

It all comes down to content though, and who has the best. This could be subject to the rose tinted lenses the viewer may be wearing, but once you get past whose licensed content from the TV networks and movie studios you prefer, it then comes down to who has the best original content. That is the game changer.

This brings us to the big four, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+ and Apple TV+. Arguably, Disney+ has the richest franchises with them owning Marvel Studios, Pixar, all their original Disney cartoons and movies as well as the Star Wars franchise. Certainly gives the original content on Netflix a run for its money, though Netflix’s new Party feature which allows you to link up with friends and host long distance movie nights and TV watch parties should help fend off their rivals. But with both Amazon and Apple pumping millions in to their original content, the streaming wars are set to get interesting, with all looking for your subscription money and bingeable consumption. 

It’s a shame all production is at a halt right now, but for understandable reasons. I guess we’ll have to wait till things return to some sort of normality to see who has the best streaming service over the next few years and who will be king by the end of this decade. This is going to be great for consumers, and brands.